Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What is Team Penning?
In a glance
Team Penning is the Fastest Growing Equine Sport in North America, and is as exciting to watch as it is to compete in. This sport is a true recreational event for the whole family.
All that is required are solid riding skills, a well trained horse, good cow sense, and of course a lot of luck. Some of the qualities that make Team Penning a true spectator sport include enjoyment of watching the team work.
How is it played
Team Penning is played in an arena approximately the size of a hockey arena. At the one end there is a three sided pen about 16'x16'. At the other end there is a herd of cattle. All the cattle are numbered from 0-9 in sets of threes.
Penners consist of a three member team, a "first-man-in", a "second-man-in" and a "turn-back." Their goal is to cut out three cattle bearing the same number. Each team is randomly assigned a number to them when they cross the start line. The penners cross the start line, the time starts. Now they must herd three cattle into the pen at the other end. The first-man-in locates a cow number on it and goes in the herd after it. The turn-back goes with him and keeps the cows with the wrong numbers (dirty cows) from coming out of the herd.
The second-man also locates a cow with the right number and as soon as the first-man has his cow handled he goes in after his cow. The turn-back hustles over to help him. Then the third cow is located and pulled from the herd. All three cows are herded down to the other end of the arena and into the pen. Time is called when a penner's horse is in the pen behind the cows and his hand is raised above his shoulder. All the while the herd must be kept at their end of the arena. Sounds simple enough? Of course you don't have all day so there is a 60 second time limit just to make it interesting. The team can be disqualified if too many "dirty" cows cross the foul line or a rider "ruffs" a cow.
The Team With The fastest Time Wins!

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